How to Expand Bandwidth in PON Network with CWDM Technology?

PON (passive optical network) is one of a common optical fiber network architectures. It is characterized by the “splitting” of the optical fiber one or more times, resulting in the sharing of optical fiber among multiple users. However, as networks grow in terms of subscriber counts, the scope and number of services offered, expanding the network bandwidth is inevitable. Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing (CWDM), known for its low cost and scalability to increase fiber capacity as needed, is a preferred method for PON network expansion. This article will focus on using CWDM technology to overcome bandwidth limitations in PON access networks. CWDM Mux/Demux and OADM (Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer) in Access PON Fibers in a PON are typically shared with several users. Hence the bandwidth of the fiber originating at the CO (center office) is shared among a group of users. The splitting of the network is accomplished by optical splitters. These splitters can split the fiber 2-32 time...